Tools to Maintain a Highly Accurate Network of Mobile Contacts - Successful Careers are Build on Strong Networks.
SynctUp: Clean and Accurate Contacts
On average, 75% of mobile contacts are outdated, making them difficult to manage and it’s near impossible to remove the outdated from the valid ones. Additionally, 87% of calls go to voicemail when the calling number isn’t identified by caller ID.
SynctUp transforms your mobile contacts from an unmanageable mix of old and new into a highly accurate, professional resource, ensuring near 100% accuracy—an essential tool for your career.
eMailEnsure: Ensure Accuracy, Ensure Success
eMailEnsure acts as a data scrubber, regularly checking every email address in your contacts. It recommends deletion for non-working emails and certifies verified emails as accurate, rechecking them periodically.
ContactsEnsure: Smarter, Professional Contact Sharing
In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key. Over 80% of calls are answered when the caller ID displays a recognizable name. Yet, manually entering a new contact into a digital address book is a tedious task we all despise. That’s where ContactsEnsure comes in.
ContactsEnsure is your smart digital business card, designed to make receiving your contact info effortless. With just a few clicks, you can share any combination of your contact details via email. The recipient can then sync you to their contacts, as much as 10 times faster than manual entry.
ContactsEnsure sends automatic updates ensuring your network always has your latest information.
What’s more, ContactsEnsure notifies you when any of your contacts are using the SynctUp platform. Connect to ensure their info remains accurate in your mobile contacts.
SynctUp: Your Professional Advantage
100% accuracy at your fingertips. Download the SynctUp business mobile app and watch the magic begin.